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Clipart Illustration of a Happy Gray Donkey Looking Back
Clipart Illustration of a Carpenter Beaver Building With Wood, Biting Nails In His Mouth
Clipart of a Black and White Rosie the Riveter Flexing and Facing Right - Royalty Free Vector Illustration
Clipart Illustration of a Stubborn Kicking Donkey
Clipart Illustration of Albert Einstein Standing And Gesturing With His Finger
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Blue Marlin Fish Wearing Shades
Clipart Illustration of a Man Driving A Fast Green Riding Lawn Mower
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Sparkey Dog Shoving Weenies In His Mouth At A Hot Dog Eating Contest
Clipart Illustration of a Friendly Brown Dog Waving And Driving A White Delivery Van With Space On The Side For You To Insert Text
Clipart Illustration of The Arched Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Sexy Redhead Woman Fishing
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Red Lobster Character Wearing Shades and Playing an Electric Guitar
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Sparkey Dog Standing And Giving The Thumbs Up
Clipart Illustration of a Happy Shrimp Toasting With Beer While Boiling Over A Fire In A Pot
Clipart Illustration of a Hyper Brown Dog Peeping Up From Over A Surface
Clipart Illustration of a Happy Blue Stingray
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of an Open Colorful Bounce Castle
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of Santa Grilling Food For Rudolph On A Tropical Christmas Island
Clipart Illustration of a Lumberjack Beaver Holding An Axe Over A Tree
Clipart Illustration of a Kangaroo Concrete Worker With Tools
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Man Reeling In A Large Barramundi Fish, Surrounded By Flies
Clipart Illustration of a Peaceful Clam Smiling And Gesturing The Peace Sign With His Hand
Clipart Illustration of a Friendly Chef Lobster Holding a Spatula and Fork
Clipart Illustration of a Hyper Man Running And Pushing A Red Lawn Mower
Clipart Illustration of Santa Riding On A Kangaroo, With Christmas Presents In The Pouch
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of Santa Claus Wearing Shades, Rocking Out And Playing A Guitar
Royalty-Free Vector Clip Art Illustration of a Kiss Ass Donkey With Puckered Lips
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of an Australian Flag Atop The Parliament House, Canberra
Clipart Illustration of a Dog Driving A Green Slug Bug Convertible And Giving The Thumbs Up
Clipart Grinning Democratic Donkey - Royalty Free Vector Illustration
Clipart Illustration of Three Kookaburra Birds Laughing On A Wire
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Grinning, Red Eyed Wombat Standing Upright With His Arms Crossed
Clipart St Patricks Day Leprechaun Playing Rock And Roll St Patrock - Royalty Free Vector Illustration
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Peaceful Santa Driving A Tractor Sled
Clipart Illustration of a Dingo Digger Holding A Shovel
Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Male Caucasian Doctor Carrying A First Aid Kit, Wearing A Headlamp And Holding A Stethoscope


  1. How do I download?
  2. What are your terms of use?
  3. Can I use the clip art images for free?
  4. Do you offer discounts?
  5. Does Royalty-free mean free?
  6. Can I have an image customized or a prop added to an image?
  7. Can I buy an image outright so no-one else can use it?
  8. Can I have an artist create a new image for me?
  9. If I buy a small image now and I need a larger version later, can I upgrade?
  10. What is the difference between the different image files?
  11. Can I make changes to the image?
  12. Can I use the images for my logo?
  13. What are your restrictions on using the images?
  14. What are the rules for prints?
  15. What is a digital collage?
  16. Is sample text editable?
  17. Why is my Download Images area showing a file other than what I purchased?
  18. Why is the image is still in my cart after I have purchased it?
  19. How do I provide credit?
  20. What is the difference between the glossy and matte prints?
  21. Can the images be used for apps?
  22. Why is the zip file corrupt?
  23. Why is the EPS file corrupt?
  24. What can I use your images for?
  25. How do I buy more than one image at a time?
  26. Can I get a refund?
  1. How do I download?
    After you make a purchase, you can download the image(s) by clicking on the "Download Images area" tab link at the top of the site. If you use Paypal, this will go under the primary email address that you have on file with them. Please make sure you use an email address that you can access or you will not be able to get your image without contacting us first and verifying who you are. If you mis-typed your email, please contact us so we can update your Download Images area.

    If you purchased more than a few images, you may want to use the zip folder. Just click on the zip folder icon and save it to your computer. You may need to extract all files of the folder in order to use the images. If you are using Internet Explorer, please read the notes provided to you regarding MS errors with zip files and eps files.

    If you prefer to download one image at a time, just click on the thumbnail of the image that you want in your Download Images area. It will open in a new window and include PC and MAC directions at the top. Please be sure to wait until the image has completely loaded before you save.

  2. What are your terms of use?
    Please refer to our End User License Agreement. This is accessible by clicking on an image from a search results page. The Agreement link will be above the prices. Please note that we have two different licenses; Commercial and Editorial. Most images will be under the Commercial license, while images of personalities or famous people will be under the Editorial license.

  3. Can I use the clip art images for free?
    Our images are not free. They are Royalty-Free. You must purchase a license for the use of any of our watermarked images per our legal End User License Agreement.

  4. Do you offer discounts?
    We only offer discounts through our clip art collections. We do not offer discounts on individual clip art purchases. The artists choose their own pricing and they state their minimum prices on the image page. To view our available collections, click on the "collections" link below our search box.

  5. Does Royalty-free mean free?
    No. Royalty free means that you pay a one time fee and you get to use the image(s) forever, for multiple uses, without having to pay additional fees (known as royalties) hence the term royalty-free. Please note that there are a few restrictions. Since we cannot offer refunds, please be sure to ask before you purchase to double check, if you are even slightly unsure about your use. Please read our End User License Agreement and Use Policy located under the prices on the image pages.

    Search engines are directories that lead you to services. They use words on websites to pull results. Sometimes the results actually lead you to images that have been already been stolen, which also makes you a thief for using them. Be responsible and read terms of use for all images. When in doubt, ask. Dont just take. If you cant track down the artist or a representative of the artist, such as an image library, you may not want to use an image found from a search engine to save yourself the time of having to hire a lawyer for a copyright infringement case, which is costing thieves on average per image.

    Our images are ROYALTY-free. If you dont know what that means, please educate yourself before you go hee hawing and embarrassing yourself.

  6. Can I have an image customized or a prop added to an image?
    This depends on the artist. Please contact customer service with the image number to see if the artist that you are interested in is available for customization. Only a couple still offer this service.

  7. Can I buy an image outright so no-one else can use it?
    No. We cannot offer any of our existing images for outright ownership or exclusivity. Our images are priced low so the artist can continuously make income off of them. This would also go against Royalty-free licensing. Some artists may be available to do freelance artwork. Please contact customer service if you are interested in exclusivity or outright ownership of a new image. We will need to know which image number or artist you are interested in.

  8. Can I have an artist create a new image for me?
    Not all artists offer this service, but we do have a list of artists that can. Please contact customer service if you are interested in this service. Most artists do not offer this service.

  9. If I buy a small image now and I need a larger version later, can I upgrade?
    Yes, you can upgrade by returning to the image page and re-purchasing the size that you need. Please note that artists have the freedom to change their pricing at any time, so the prices may differ. We can then issue a refund for the original purchase only if you re-license the exact same image number, in a larger size or more expensive format. After purchasing the second time, please email us with your transaction or invoice number so we can look up your order.

  10. What is the difference between the different image files?
    Please note that these guidelines are for the average file. Sizes vary depending on the image and artist. Please refer to the sizes listed on the image pages. Sizes are displayed in pixels (computer/web sizes) and inches (print sizes). The print sizes are rounded and are approximate, not exact.

    If you are working with a designer or printer, please contact your printer or designer prior to purchasing so they can assist you in selecting the proper size/format. Each printer/designer is different.

    Raster JPEG files do not support layers or transparency. If you know how to work with JPEGs, yes you can edit the file, but please be aware that only the Vectors come with layers. JPEG files do not support transparency. Any JPEG files come with the backgrounds that you see on the site (white, gray, shaded, black, etc) minus the watermark.

    Some of our JPEG files also include PNG files in the price. PNG files sometimes include transparent backgrounds, but not always. Sometimes we can create and offer a PNG file with transparency but we cannot always guarantee this. If you require transparency, please contact customer service PRIOR to purchasing to check on availability for the image(s) that you need. You cannot increase the sizes of these without distortion, but you can make them smaller.

    The Raster (Avatar) files are thumbnail (tiny) sized JPEGs. They are for internet and email use and are not meant for printing. You cannot increase the sizes of these without distortion, but you can make them smaller. Not every image is available in this size. It is optional and set by the artist. JPEG files do not support transparency or layers.

    The Raster (Blog) files are small sized JPEGs, nearly perfect for blog use. They are for internet and email use and are not meant for printing. You cannot increase the sizes of these without distortion, but you can make them smaller. Not every image is available in this size. It is optional and set by the artist. JPEG files do not support transparency or layers.

    The Raster (Small) JPEG files are great for web graphics. Depending on your quality standards, you may be able to print a small JPEG on a business card. JPEG files do not support transparency or layers.

    The Raster (Medium) JPEG files are great for small print projects such as postcards, brochures, business cards, larger web graphics, etc. You cannot increase the sizes of these without distortion, but you can make them smaller. JPEG files do not support transparency or layers.

    The Raster (Large) JPEG files are great for larger print projects such as advertisements, small posters, t-shirts, etc. You cannot increase the sizes of these without distortion, but you can make them smaller. JPEG files do not support transparency or layers.

    The vector files (EPS, AI, SVG, PDF) require specific editing software (newest up to date Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Elements recommended) and experience to view and open after downloading. Adobe Illustrator is recommended as many files are saved at the newest, highest quality file with meshes and gradients that Corel or other programs cannot open. Since we cannot offer refunds on our images, please be sure you are licensing the correct format that you can use and need. Vector formats are often required for large scale printing; billboards, posters, signs, big rig advertising, etc.

  11. Can I make changes to the image?
    Yes. After purchasing a license, you are welcome to alter the image any way you please by adding or removing props. You cannot create additional poses using the character, nor can you make animations. This would be a copyright issue. Please note that you cannot claim copyright on altered images since the original image was created by our artist and is under copyright. In order to edit an image, you will need image editing software and experience.

  12. Yes. Our images can be used for non-copyrighted/trademarked logo type purposes. Please note that you cannot copyright or trademark the image(s). The artists retain their copyright (per the license agreement) and others can still license the same image.

  13. What are your restrictions on using the images?
    The images CANNOT be used on most kinds of templates. This would be distributing our images without our permission. Each end user needs their own license. Examples of restricted templates; scrap booking kits or products, business card design templates, rubber stamps, downloadable teaching aids, and web design templates. There may be some templates that would be acceptable, however we ask that you contact customer service prior to purchasing so we can confirm if your specific use will be acceptable or not.

    The images CANNOT be published and offered for sale on community retail sites offering print on demand products such as shirts, stickers, calendars, mugs, mouse pads, etc. The most common sites like this are,,, and and there are others that are not listed here. Our images may NOT be published and offered for sale on any of these sites because our artists often publish their own artwork on such sites and they do not want to compete with their own images. If you have your own personal site offering such products, yes, you may use the images for your own site or business. If you are using such sites to have orders fulfilled and shipped to you, that is acceptable, but you cannot publish the items for sale to others on these sites. You can sell such items with our images on ebay.

    Images may not be offered on retail products that are to be personalized, such as offered to your clients with names, business names, or with custom text.

    You cannot copyright or trademark the images.

    You CANNOT distribute the digital images in any way, including but not limited to digital downloads or on disc. This includes offering free downloads of the image(s) and digitizing them for embroidery file downloads.

    Print Orders cannot be copied or reproduced. Print orders are only for decorating purposes. If you need to use the image on the print for anything other than what we have sent you, you need to purchase a digital file license.

    There may be other restrictions not listed here, or you may have a use that is acceptable that you may be unsure about. If you have specific questions, please contact customer service prior to making your purchase.

  14. What are the rules for prints?
    Prints cannot be copied or reproduced. Prints are only for decorating purposes. If you need to use the image on the print for anything other than hanging or framing, you need to purchase a digital file license.

  15. What is a digital collage?
    A "Digital Collage" is an image that combines multiple images in one. These images come exactly as shown and do not download as individual files.

  16. Is sample text editable?
    Sample text is not click and type text. You will need to have image editing experience and software to erase the text and replace it with your own.

  17. Why is my Download Images area showing a file other than what I purchased?
    This has been happening lately with the new Google Image results and the way they pull up the image pages. If this happens to you, please do not download the incorrect image. If you download the image, we cannot issue a refund for the incorrect file. We will need you to find the correct file on our website, locate the image number and email us with the correct image number. We can then update your order. Please note that this may take time for us to swap out the image if we are closed. If you are in a hurry, please purchase the correct file, then send us an email explaining what happened.

  18. Why is the image is still in my cart after I have purchased it?
    Our cart saves the image(s) that you have added in case your computer crashes during checkout, or some other random error occurs. You will need to empty your cart after you purchase, otherwise the image will remain in your cart.

  19. How do I provide credit?
    A credit is not required, but always appreciated. If you would like to provide a credit line, please make sure that you credit our artist and CartoonsOf. Here is an example which would be the most beneficial to the artist; Dennis Holmes / Cartoons / Image Number Here.

  20. What is the difference between the glossy and matte prints?
    Our glossy prints are just that, glossy. Our matte prints are true, museum quality, matte prints. They have absolutely no gloss coat or shine and are great for framing.

  21. Can the images be used for apps?
    Yes, once you purchase a license, the image(s) can be used for apps as long as your use is within our End User License Agreement. This means that the images cannot be removed from your application or for template applications.

  22. Why is the zip file corrupt?
    Internet Explorer and Microsoft have recently done updates that are causing this problem. This is not something that we can fix. If you licensed only one or a few files, you can download by using Option 1. They will open in new windows with saving instructions. If you licensed multiple files, you may want to use a different internet browser, such as Firefox, to save the zip file. Please send your complaints regarding this problem to MICROSOFT at the link below. For more information: Microsoft Support. Microsoft Support.

  23. Why is the EPS file corrupt?
    Internet Explorer and Microsoft have done updates years ago that started causing this problem. They have yet to fix it. This is not something that we can fix. This only happens if you use Internet Explorer. You may want to use a different internet browser, such as Firefox, to save the zip file. If you want to use Internet Explorer, simply save the file. It will probably save with a .ps extension, rather than the .eps extension. All you need to do is rename the file extension to .eps AFTER you have saved it to your computer. Please send your complaints regarding this problem to MICROSOFT at the link below. For more information: Microsoft Support..

  24. What can I use your images for?
    Once you purchase a license for the image(s) that you want to use, you can use them for apps, your website, business cards, t-shirts, games, stationery, marketing and advertising, tv shows, your business packaging, labels, logo and several other uses.

  25. How do I buy more than one image at a time?
    To license/buy more than one image at a time, click on the "add to cart" button on the image page. When you are ready to checkout, click on the "cart" tab in the upper right hand corner of the site. You can checkout from there by selecting your payment option at the bottom.

  26. Can I get a refund?
    We do not issue refunds on digital media, unless the same end user licenses the same image number twice. The lesser price, or equal if it is a duplicate price, will be refunded. This no-refunds rule is standard in this industry. Be sure to read the license agreement and ask any questions prior to purchasing. It is not our responsibility if you fail to read the agreement and you cannot use the file, did not follow directions or ask for help on how to download, do not have the software required for a file type, if you did not use the size guides and select the proper size, etc. Please read the License Agreement under the image's file sizes and prices on the image page, not after, purchasing.
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